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Call for papers: Refugees and Mountains

Cristina Del Biaggio, (Université Grenoble Alpes and the Pacte research centre) and Leila Giannetto, (researcher with Euricse, Trento, and the International and European Forum on Migration Research (FIERI)), with Coralie Mounet, for JAR/RGA (Université Grenoble Alpes) will coordinate a special issue of the Journal of Alpine Research / Revue de géographie alpine on "Refugees and mountains".


Final articles must be submitted in one of Alpine languages (French, Italian, German), Spanish or English. The author must see to it that the article is translated into the second language after it has been assessed. One of the two versions must be in English. If the article is submitted by a native English speaker, the second version must be in French.


Publication of the articles is tentatively scheduled for September 2020.


Deadlines : July 15th 2019 (abstract) and Decembrer 1st 2019 (full article).




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