Pacefuturo Associazione Onlus


“Tutto è iniziato con il lavoro di un network informale di ricercatori, ma anche di persone che si occupano di inclusione e accoglienza. Un... Read More
Il libro “Alpine Refugees – Immigration at the core of Europe” a cura di Andrea Membretti (Eurac Research), Giulia Galera (Euricse), Manfred... Read More
Alpine refugees. Immigration at the core of Europe   Discussione sul volume a cura di Andrea Membretti, Giulia Galera, Manfred Perlik,... Read More
Euricse (Trento) ed Eurac Research (Bolzano) sono lieti di invitarvi alla presentazione del libro “Alpine Refugees – Immigration at the Core of... Read More
The last book of the ForAlps Network has been published! Alpine Refugees Immigration at the Core of Europe Editor(s): Manfred Perlik,... Read More
The first poster of the ForAlps network will be presented in Innsbruck at the IMC2019 (International Mountain Conference). Take a look and... Read More
Cristina Del Biaggio, (Université Grenoble Alpes and the Pacte research centre) and Leila Giannetto,... Read More
REWIRE - Regenerating Alpine Communities by Welcoming and Including Refugees - has been submitted in collaboration with: Carinthia... Read More
Interview with Andrea Membretti about ForAlps by Antonio Massariolo Read More
The history of the map that displays them, interview with Cristina Del Biaggio Read More
Dematteis M, Di Gioia A, Membretti A, Montanari Per Forza, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2018. A geo-referenced mapping of refugees in the Italian Alps... Read More


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