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Pier Paolo Viazzo

Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Turin

Prof. Pier Paolo Viazzo (*1950) is a social anthropologist and historical demographer with a special interest in the relationships between population and social structures in the Alps. He received his PhD in Social Anthropology from University College London and was a research associate at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure. He is now Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Turin. From 2009 to 2012 he served as President of the Alpine Convention’s working group “Demography and Occupation”. His recent research focuses on the demographic changes currently experienced in the Alpine region and the socio-cultural dimensions of various forms of new migration to upland areas.


Complete CV and publication list


Selected publications

Viazzo, P.P. (2006), Upland Communities. Environment, Population and Social Structure in the Alps since the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition (1st edition 1989).


Viazzo, P.P. (2012), “Demographic Change in the Alpine Space: Key Challenges for the Future”, in O. Maurer and H.K. Wytrzens (eds.), Demographic Challenges in the Alpine Space: The Search for Transnational Answers, Bolzano/Bozen, Freie Universität Bozen.


Viazzo, P.P. (2012), “Paradossi alpini, vecchi e nuovi: ripensare il rapporto tra demografia e mutamento culturale”, in M. Varotto and B. Castiglioni (eds.), Di chi sono le Alpi? Appartenenze politiche, economiche e culturali nel mondo alpino contemporaneo / Whose Alps are These? Governance, Ownership and Belongings in Contemporary Alpine Regions, Padova, Padova University Press.


Fassio, G., Battaglini, L.M., Porcellana, V., Viazzo, P.P. (2014), “The Role of the Family in Mountain Pastoralism – Change and Continuity. Ethnographic Evidence from the Western Italian Alps”, Mountain Research and Development, 34 (4).


Viazzo, P.P.,  Zanini, R.C. (2014), “‘Taking Advantage of Emptiness’? Anthropological Perspectives on Mountain Repopulation and Spaces of Cultural Creativity in the Alpine Area”,  Journal of Alpine Research / Revue de Géographie Alpine, 102 (3).


Porcellana, V., Fassio, G., Viazzo, P.P., Zanini, R.C. (2016) “Socio-Demographic Changes and Transmission of Tangible and Intangible Resources: Ethnographic Glimpses From the Western Italian Alps”, Journal of Alpine Research / Revue de Géographie Alpine, 104 (3).


Membretti, A., Kofler, I., Viazzo, P.P. eds. (2017), Per forza o per scelta. L’immigrazione straniera nelle Alpi e negli Appennini, Roma, Aracne Editrice.


Membretti, A., Viazzo, P.P. (2017), “Per scelta e per forza. Migrazioni internazionali e mutamento culturale nelle Alpi italiane”, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 40.


Membretti, A., Viazzo, P.P. (2017), “Negotiating the Mountains. Foreign Immigration and Cultural Change in the Italian Alps”, Martor. The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review, 22.


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