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Michael Beismann

Independent Geographer

15.10.1975, Mag.rer.nat. (Master of Science) of Geography, University of Innsbruck


Current Profession - Independent Geographer

regionalSynergie e.U. - Mag. Michael Beismann

Engineering Consultants for Geography

Applied Geography, regional development in the periphery, science transfer into society, science & arts, spatial modeling, holistic solutions.


Current activities 2018:

  • Initiator of several projects aiming to raise significance of rural areas in the Alps – practical implementation with scientific approach; Further: Member of the ForAlps and Coworkation-Alp Network
  • Scientific adviser for a movie documentary on the revitalization of peripheral villages
  • Project Manager of the newly established cooperation between Innsbruck Nature Film Festival and the University of Innsbruck
  • Co-Producer of the scientific art film The New Wild: Life in the Abandoned Lands (in cooperation with the University of Innsbruck, eurac etc.)
  • Mapping transformations of the cultural landscape

Academic research and teaching

University of Innsbruck, Department of Geography

  • Teaching the 3-semester specialization course for Spatial Development and Regional Research
  • Member of the research group DCA – Demographic Change in the Alps ongoing and former projects:
  1. EUMINT – Euroregioni, Migrazione e Integrazione (INTERREG, ongoing)
  2. Current Demographic Changes in the European Alps, Effects on the Autochthonous Linguistic Minorities (FWF 2013-2016)
  3. The Impact of Current Demographic Transformation on Ethno-Linguistic Minorities in the Italian Alps (FWF 2009-2012)




Roland Löffler, Judith Walder, Michael Beismann, Wolfgang Warmuth, and Ernst Steini>


Michael Beismann: Resilienz durch Verfall? Von der Revitalisierung verfallender Bergdörfer zum Bedeutungsgewinn des ländlichen Raumes der Alpen. In: Schrumpfung und Rückbau (eBook) Perspektiven der Regional- und Destinationsentwicklung. Harald Pechlaner (Herausgeber) 2017 | oekom verlag
978-3-96006-231-8 (ISBN)


Michael Beismann: Wo Bäume in Häusern wohnen, Quart Heft für Kultur Tirol Nr. 25/15

Haymon Verlag Innsbruck-Wien 2015



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