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Marika Gruber

Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, School of Management

Marika Gruber holds a Master’s degree in Public Management (administrative sciences) and is senior researcher and lecturer at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, School of Management. Her research focus is on migration studies (especially integration politics, inclusion and interculturality with a strong focus on the local and regional level and rural areas), modern public administration and good governance as well as intervention research. For several years, she has led and worked on research projects, addressing the in- and out-migration to/from rural regions, the inclusion of migrants and the removal of political, administrative and societal integration barriers. She is a member of the research group TRANS_SPACE (TRANSformative Societal Political AND Cultural Engagement), and associated researcher of IARA - Institute for Applied Research on Ageing ( at the department for Demographic Change and Regional Development (DCRD), authored the books “Integration politics in municipalities” and “Handbook: Integration in rural areas” and is a trainer for integration/inclusion work at local and regional level.





Gruber, Marika (2014): Migration als Chance für den ländlichen Raum. Pilotstudie für den Bezirk Hermagor, Begleitforschung zum gleichnamigen Projekt. (Migration as a Chance for Rural Regions. Pilot study on the district of Hermagor) Villach: Fachhochschule Kärnten. URL:

Gruber, Marika (2013): Integration im ländlichen Raum. Ein Praxishandbuch. (Handbook: Integration in Rural Areas) Innsbruck: StudienVerlag. URL:;

Gruber, Marika (2010): Integrationspolitik in Kommunen. Herausforderungen, Chancen, Gestaltungsansätze. (Integration Politics in Municipalities. Challenges, Chances and Practical Approaches) Wien/New York: Springer. URL: 






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