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Manfred Perlik

Associated Senior Research Scientist at the Centre for Development and Environment at the University of Bern, Switzerland

Prof. Manfred Perlik (*1954) is an economic geographer with a strong focus on urbanisation in mountain areas. He studied in Frankfurt, Bern (PhD), and Grenoble (Habilitation à diriger des recherches). He works at the Centre for Development and Environment at the University of Bern, Switzerland, and is also affiliated with Laboratoire Pacte, Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR), at the Université Grenoble Alpes, France. His recent research deals with questions of spatial justice, transformative social innovation and new migration – chosen or forced – into mountain areas. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the bilingual Journal of Alpine Research / Revue de Géographie Alpine.


Complete CV and publication list


Selected publications

Perlik, M. (2019): The spatial and economic transformation of mountain regions. Mountains as indicators for a new quality of territorial disparities. London: Routledge (forthcoming).


Perlik, M. (2019): New and very old regionalism. Concepts of regional development under the conditions of new global mobilities. In: Galera, G./Machold, I./Membretti, A./Perlik, M., eds. (forthcoming).


Perlik, M./Membretti, A. (2018): Poverty and violence induced migration to European mountains. Tendencies and impacts on mountain development at the example of the Alps. Mountain Research and Development 38(3) (forthcoming)


Kunze, C./Perlik, M./Ruijun, L. et al.  (2018): Drivers of changes to mountain sustainability. In: Wester, P. et al.: Hindu Kush Himalayan Monitoring and Assessment Programme (HIMAP): Chapter 2. Kathmandu. (September 2018)


Perlik, M. (2018): Less regional rhetoric – more diversity. Urbanized Alps in the interest of cohesive societies. Journal of Alpine Research /Revue de géographie alpine (JAR/RGA), 106(2).


Perlik, M. (2018): Innovations sociales en montagne: au-delà de l’ingénierie sociale, une véritable force transformatrice? In: Fourny, M.-C. (2018) : Montagnes en mouvements. Dynamiques territoriales et innovation sociale. Grenoble: PUG. (September 2018)


Roth, C. (2018): Urban Dreams. Transformations of Family Life in Burkina Faso. Edited by: de Jong, W./Perlik, M./Steuer, N./Znoj, H.; New York, Oxford: Berghahn.


Perlik, M. (2015): Mountains as Global Suppliers: New Forms of Disparities Between Mountain Areas and Metropolitan Hubs. Introduction. JAR/RGA 103(3).


Perlik, M. (2011): Gentrification alpine: Lorsque le village de montagne devient un arrondissement métropolitain/Alpine gentrification: The mountain village as a metropolitan neighbourhood. JAR/RGA 99(1).




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