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Don Giusto Dalla Valle

Parish Priest of Rebbio

Don Giusto his the Parish Priest of San Martino di Rebbio. He has a long pastoral experience in the North of Cameroon from 1996 to 2010 - he never hesitated to make his own the invitation of the diocesan Caritas to help host these refugees and to urge the entire diocesan community - and its countless parish realities - to do likewise.


The Parish of San Martino di Rebbio has always responded with great generosity and concern to the need to receive refugees from countries at war in Africa. This happened in 2011-2012 as part of the "North Africa Emergency" operation and, from spring 2014, in the "Mare Nostrum" project, five people found hospitality. All this in a more generalized program of reception for Italian and foreign people in difficulty who gravitate around the community of the people of Rieti.


The driving force behind this availability and this particular sensitivity is the Parish Priest of Rebbio, Don Giusto Della Valle, who, thanks to the help of many volunteers from his parish and surrounding areas, has opened the doors of his house and oratory to welcome men, women, children and entire families. "Welcoming with courage and without fear" has always been his motto and with this missionary spirit.




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