Pacefuturo Associazione Onlus
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Daniel Spizzo


Born in Luxembourg in 1968. He graduated with honors in Political Science, specializing in International Studies at the University of Trieste, and holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Florence. He has been teaching at various universities since 2002. He is currently a lecturer in Project Cycle at the University of Trieste, where he runs project design and project management workshops on international, European, national and sub-national calls for proposals. From 2015 to 2018 at CRAMARS SCS in Tolmezzo he was a board member and EU Project Designer, with a particular interest in social innovation projects, skills certification and advanced training. He is also involved in territorial animation activities, among which the INNOVALP Festival stands out. Themes of his interest are innovative teaching, research & social innovation, migration and territorial development.


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